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And that these things can be shifted, healed, patted on its tushy, and sent on its way with love! ❤️ Jillian is coming in to teach us about how to clear the ‘woo’ around intuitive connection and business progress. You don’t wanna’ miss it!
Jillian’s website: http://www.jillianschleger.com
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Here’s a transcript of the episode
Tell us little bit about you and your business and kind of why you started your business. And we’ll just go from there!
Jillian Schleger:
All right! Well, thank you Brooke, for inviting me into this awesome group. I am Jillian Schleger. I’m an author, coach and healer. And I started this business – I’ll try to kind of do a short version of this. I’ve been a healer/coach/teacher for about 20-25 years in some aspect or regard. And about a year ago, after some turmoil in my life, I was watching an Amanda Frances video and I loooove her. But she was talking about income. And she talked about going from 2000 a month to 6,000 to 10,000 to whatever. And then she said, she couldn’t imagine a month where she was making less than a hundred thousand a month. And I just went, how is that possible? I’m a very analytical person, so my brain was going, how many jobs? I need to sleep this many hours, and I started analyzing it.
And then the next video I saw, I was talking about Eckhart Tolle. And how he goes into this windows of abundance kind of visualization. Where he’s sitting in a hollowed out building with thousands and thousands of windows all around and above him. So I started muscle testing how many windows of abundance I was allowing open for myself and I muscle tested that I only had half of one window open.
Brooke Lawson:
Wow! I’ve never heard that. The way that that’s presented before. That’s really cool.
Jillian Schleger:
It was really neat. Yeah. Then the kind of coolest thing happened. Because I do a lot of healing and I sort of am a collector. I sort of collect. I started with therapeutic touch. I did reflexology, I did astrology, parapsychology, EFT, NLP, Reiki. I’ve done a lot of healing modalities, so I’ve kind of merged them into one modality that I use in my coaching business.
That’s what I did when I found out that I only had half of one window open for abundance to come to me through. I did a whole bunch of healing. EFT and NLP. And then I re-tested. I tested – I test using muscle testing – and it went up to four windows of abundance. Yeah, and that was just a quick five minute tapping or healing session.
Brooke Lawson:
That’s so cool. That stuff is so interesting to me. It’s still kind of like a new world for me. I come from corporate before, so I’ve only been doing my business for the past couple of years and I love Amanda Frances too. But I’m just kind of getting into all that. So that’s so interesting to hear all of these different perspectives. I love it. It’s awesome.
Jillian Schleger:
It is really interesting and it’s interesting to see what can be shifted in a really quick amount of time. You no longer have to sit – iff you have severe trauma – you no longer have to go and sit in a therapy session for years to get through the trauma. And that’s what’s exciting about it. It can be shifted really quickly.
Brooke Lawson:
Yeah. That’s awesome. That’s amazing. So the next question is the one that I always like to ask everybody. What is your definition of branding? And how has branding affected your business?
Jillian Schleger:
So branding to me, has been tricky to be honest with you. I’ve really struggled because getting online and I was doing my thing for a while, which was working, but then I started doing it full time. I was showing up all the time owning my business and showing up. And then I started hearing from other people, well you should be doing this and you should be doing that. And that kind of veered me off course. When I started, when Heather actually, introduced us. And when I started coming into your group and hearing your lives and the information. You give so much information in this group, which is really awesome. I want to thank you for that.
Brooke Lawson:
Thank you!
Jillian Schleger:
Yeah, and that really kind of showed me that you have to show up as yourself on a consistent basis. So that to me is what branding is. And that’s really helped a lot because there is that – we’re going to get into the “woo” aspect – that there is that spiritual aspect, the woo side of what I do that is honestly it’s quantum physics. Quantum physicists are now and have now written articles and proved that this woo stuff is actually science. There is factual evidence to back it up and base it on. Yeah, it’s really interesting. So that’s why I was, I think having trouble because all of these other people were coming at it from a “you need to logistically and logically do it this way” and I was coming at it from a “but it has to feel good” so there was that kind of push and pull. So branding to me is showing up authentically on a consistent, regular basis with an aspect of flow. It has to be, it has to feel good.
Brooke Lawson:
Yup. That’s perfect. That’s exactly how my brain works. I’m very logical and analytical, too. And when I first got introduced to all that stuff, I was like, I want to, I want to buy into that. But my logical side just won’t let me for some reason. And that’s so interesting that you bring it up like that. And there is science to back it up. And I love hearing that stuff. That’s awesome. So it looks like we have, oh sorry, go ahead.
Jillian Schleger:
It gets me really excited to hear authors and speakers who do have scientific proof of it. So, yeah.
Brooke Lawson:
That’s so cool. It looks like we have a few people who have joined live, so if anybody else is here, go ahead and say hi so that we know you’re here. Jillian is just about to start teaching us her thing, so if anybody has any questions along the way, be sure and put them in the box and we’ll go back and check them out. So whenever you’re ready, let’s just dive in.
Jillian Schleger:
Okay! I can’t see the chat guys, so Brooke will have to start doing jumping jacks or something and interrupt me if I’m in flow. Really what I want to do is, is really have this interactive. That’s the best thing. I can tell you what I do, but the most fun with what I do is that it is interactive and we can get into some stuff.
Brooke Lawson:
Okay, so comment people!
Jillian Schleger:
If there’s anybody, my people from my page here, you know. Or even, there’s Dana, who comes in to this group all the time as well, who sees my videos. And I do muscle tests for people. So I’ll kind of back up. About a year ago, I saw those videos. I put two and two together. I came up with a healing system and now I’ve been mating about four other healing modalities and I wrote a book. I have an ebook out called Kinetic Divination. And from then on, I just kind of flew by the seat of my pants. The healing system that I use, I have been a Reiki practitioner for about 25 years, and that’s how I tap in with people. It would be like I’m doing a healing session on you, a distance healing on you, and I tap in and I muscle test on your behalf.
Brooke Lawson:
That’s so crazy. That just blows my mind. How exactly does that work? What does that look like?
Jillian Schleger:
I’ll explain how muscle test first. Muscle testing is the premise that your body can’t lie. And it’s really neat. And I teach, I talk about it until I’m blue in the face. I want everybody to muscle test for everything. It’s really neat. There was one explanation is, or when one situation, where before I even did muscle testing, I was going to an appointment. There was a chance that I had breast cancer and I was with a friend of mine. We stopped for coffee and we were just kind of having that chill out moment, like, you’re going to be okay and I’m here with you and whatever. And we’re sitting there and my friend said to me, you’re going to be fine. You don’t, everything’s gonna be fine. Right? And I looked at him and I said, yeah, I don’t have cancer.
And when I said that, I felt like I had just lied to my best friend. And I did. I did have cancer. I was diagnosed with breast cancer. That was kind of the start of, what was that? Why did I feel like I was lying to myself when I didn’t know? I had no conscious idea that I had breast cancer. Obviously, that’s interesting, and a pivotal moment. But then I was flung into the medical side of doing that and I’m fine now. Everything’s perfect.
Brooke Lawson:
Jillian Schleger:
But I kind of come back to that, what is this muscle testing thing? For years I would kind of delve into it, but I never heard about how you can muscle test yourself. You always had to be muscle tested with somebody else. I’ll show you guys this because it’s kind of, if you’ve never done it, it’s really cool. And you can freak people out with it, which
Brooke Lawson:
That’s always fun.
Jillian Schleger:
Always fun. What I tell people, if you’re physically able to do this, please don’t do it If you are not physically able, if you’re going to hurt yourself, but you put one arm out to the side at shoulder height. And what you’re going to do is, you’re going to be with a person, a partner, and your partner is going to be your tester. You’re going to want to resist your partner pushing down on your arm. You’re not going to arm wrestle. You don’t want to act like you’re trying to be Arnold Schwarzenegger, but try to resist your friend pushing it down. You’re going to baseline test first. We’re scientists here, right? Then your friend is just going to put two fingers on your wrist and baseline, so your friend will say resist and then push down on your arm. And your arm bounce a little bit, but it won’t weaken for the baseline test – or it shouldn’t.
And then your friend will say, tell me yes. You’ll say yes. And your friend will say, resist. We’ll push down on your arm and your arm against should just bounce a little bit for yes. And then your friend will say tell me no, you’ll say no, he or she will say resist, you try to hold your arm as still as you can and pushing down, your arm should fall. This is, your body can’t lie. And that’s what that is.
Brooke Lawson:
That’s amazing.
Jillian Schleger:
It’s really neat. It is really, really neat. The next one that I want you guys to try though is, your friend can say you, your body is that an energetic resonance of courage or above? And you’ll say yes. And then you test that. A little bit of a bounce is yes. And your arm dropping below that little bounce is a no.
That’s important because many, many scientists, Dr. David R. Hawkins is one that I follow, love, love, love that man’s work, he has devised so many experiments around muscle testing and he says that to be able to muscle test yourself, you have to be at the energetic resonance of courage or above. And encourages the beginning of integrity.
Brooke Lawson:
Wow. I like that.
Jillian Schleger:
Yeah, I geek out. My geek out rant.
Brooke Lawson:
No, I love that. That’s so cool.
Jillian Schleger:
Yeah, I’ve actually taking that one step further though. What I do for muscle testing as I use a pendulum. A pendulum is pinched between your fingers. We have nerve endings in our fingers, so it is the same as muscle testing. And I have charts, I have I think close to 20 charts that I use to test different things on different people. And a lot of natural paths do this as well. They muscle test. And some natural paths, or even Chinese medicine, will use the pendulum as well with their client or a student.
Brooke Lawson:
That’s so cool. I’m just like, sorry if I’m just looking at you. It’s blowing my mind for sure. I’ve never heard of any of this stuff and it’s amazing. I don’t even, I’m sure tomorrow I’ll think of all these really great questions that I should have asked you, so if anybody else is like me too, and just can’t process how cool this is, we’ll check comments later.
Jillian Schleger:
And the video will be up, so yeah. Do you mind if I blow your mind a little bit more?
Brooke Lawson:
Yeah, please.
Jillian Schleger:
So muscle testing doesn’t just stop with your body. We can muscle test what is happening in your subconscious mind. We can muscle test if you have, if you’re trying to manifest something in your life, if there’s a goal that you’re trying to work towards, but you just keep running into this wall and you don’t know what’s going on. If you’re trying to manifest, if you have a business and you’re trying to break through that barrier of my business is going is going to make $15,000 this month. But you just keep, you can’t get through that wall, that ceiling, right? We can test what limiting beliefs are there blocking that.
You might have heard when you were two, three, four years old, your mother or your father saying, money’s bad. Money’s hard to come by. You have to work hard for money. Wealthy people are a-holes. All of these things we hear, and it gets filed and then we grow up and we try to live our lives the way we want to, but we are resistant. There’s limitations there because of these limiting beliefs, imprinted beliefs. Limiting beliefs are beliefs that we see in our environment and we see them enough times that they get filtered in our brain. And imprinted beliefs are beliefs that we know our parents or our tribe has, and then we take them on as our own. There’s different levels, there’s different depths. And that’s what’s interesting about muscle testing is that I can test what it is that’s actually blocking people from attaining their goals and dreams. That’s the first step in my business.
The next step is to figure out how we can heal that. And how we can shift it. So like I said before, you don’t have to sit in a chair in a psychologist or therapist’s office for years and years and years regurgitating “my momma hurt me when I was two.” Now, we can actually take things like NLP, which is neurolinguistic programming, along with the reiki connection that I connect with people. And I walk them through different healing modalities. It can be EFT, which is emotional freedom technique, neurolinguistic programming, or we can actually do a quantum healing session as well, which goes a little bit deeper into quantum physics. And we can actually dissolve those traumas. We can disarm emotional triggers. We can neutralize old stories and then reprogram stories that are more positive and will actually help you attain those goals.
Brooke Lawson:
That’s crazy. That’s amazing. How did you, just random side note question, how did you discover all of this stuff? You talked about the cancer story, but all of the other stuff. Is that like?
Jillian Schleger:
I was a very strange child. When I was a child, I actually wanted to be either a pair of parapsychologist or an egyptologist. My mother was, yeah, my mother, I must’ve given her so many nightmares because you know, she wanted this perfect little princess and I was not that at all. But yeah, I was always – the first book that my father gave me, or the first book I think I ever got was on fortune telling.
Brooke Lawson:
Jillian Schleger:
Yeah. Yeah. I was always into how stuff worked, but at a deeper energetic level. Not like, take a clock apart and see how we can put it back together, but how does actually? Like quantum physics. I should have been, well I’m not that smart with like math and science and stuff, so this is my perfect job.
Brooke Lawson:
I love it. Yeah. It’s just always been there. I love it when people can just, stuff that’s always been there like that, just make it work for you. That’s amazing. I love your whole story. It’s awesome. I feel like I’m saying the same things over and over and over again. I’m a terrible host on this one because you just blew my mind.
Jillian Schleger:
It’s good. It is really interesting. When this came to me last year and I wrote this book, I was so, I was on fire. Because if I can do this, then anybody can do this. And that’s what I do with my healing sessions or coaching sessions. I don’t just heal people. I try to explain to people if they are looking for a life coach, life coaches explain and give and give tools and techniques on how to do things, how to attain your goals. But if you are like 85% of the adult world, we have these restrictions, we have these limiting beliefs, and they kind of anchor you. So you’re trying to go forward but you feel stuck. And that’s where I come in, and my modality comes in of healing, because I not only, as a life coach, give these tools and techniques to help help my clients and students achieve their goals, but then we dissect and we go deep into what are those anchors that are keeping you stuck and let’s just solve them. That’s my process with my business.
Brooke Lawson:
Wow. I love it. What types? Do you help business owners or just any human? Or who do you usually work with?
Jillian Schleger:
Any human, yup. But I do, there are a lot of business owners that do gravitate towards me, towards what I teach and what I provide because the tools, and if anybody has any questions, let us know so that we can maybe shift some stuff. If anybody feels like there’s some blocks or there’s resistance or anything like that, we can do that. But that’s yeah, business owners are trying to find their soulmate clients or reach a new pinnacle in their career and if there is that stuck feeling or anchored to a past limitation, that’s when I can come in and dissolve all of that. But it’s also teaching the tools, right? So I teach people the tools to do this on their own and then once you have them, you have them and you can use them on your own.
Brooke Lawson:
I love how you keep saying that were dissolve, too. I’ve never heard anybody talk about getting rid of bad belief systems that way. That’s such a good word.
Jillian Schleger:
I’m an artist, so I do encaustic painting and I do photography as well, so I actually am very visual. When I’m in a healing session and that helps with my connection with the Reiki energy and doing that distance connection. I’m very visual, so I imagine it and I can kind of see. People kind of get confused, I’m not a psychic. I’ll say that I’m an intuitive because intuitive’s really feel and I am empathic so I feel very, very deeply. But I will, when I’m connected to somebody, I’ll feel in my body what that person is feeling. And then in my body I can ask that energy to dissolve. And that’s what I envision. I visualize that.
Brooke Lawson:
Wow. I love that. That’s so cool. That’s so awesome. I’m loving this. I feel like I’m going to have to go watch this video like 10 more times when we get done and pick up on things that I’m sure that I’ve missed. Cause I’m just like, wow. That’s awesome.
Jillian Schleger:
And if it’s new, it is kind of overwhelming because it does seem, and that’s a little bit of I am a very artistic person. So when it comes to copy and when it comes to explaining what I do, I’m okay talking with somebody, but when I’m trying to post a post on Facebook, I feel like it’s not coming across the right way because it is 90% unbelievable.
Brooke Lawson:
Yeah, that makes sense. It’s hard to articulate it on paper for sure. Stick with video, girl. Cause you’re awesome on video. No, I mean it’s just like any other skill. I think there are ways to do stuff like that, but it definitely is much harder when it’s something and it’s so new to a lot of people. People don’t know what you’re talking about at all, or it doesn’t seem possible.
Jillian Schleger:
Yeah, coming back to before I got into, before I was introduced to you and branding and really honing in on what branding was, people would say to me, well, you can’t use those woo words or those spiritual words. And I’m like, there’s no other way to say it. There’s no other way to say it.
Brooke Lawson:
Well and, why not?
Jillian Schleger:
And getting back to your soulmate client, your soulmate client is going to use the same words. My soulmate client is going to use the same words.
Brooke Lawson:
Yes, exactly.
Jillian Schleger:
Because we’re the same kind of people, right?
Brooke Lawson:
Yeah, I love it. You gave us a link, too, for a freebie of some kind. Do you want to talk about that a little bit?
Jillian Schleger:
Sure. I think I gave you the right link to the Shift from Fear freebie. I have quite a lot of freebies, but that’s one of my main ones. So getting back to Dr. David R. Hawkins, he created this map of consciousness, which is my second favorite thing in the world besides entanglement, which I can get into later. But, the map of consciousness goes through the energetic megahertz of every living thing and nonliving thing. I talked before about how we can muscle test ourselves at courage and above. That’s 200 megahertz.
And before I go past there, once you do that muscle testing with your friend or partner, what you can do is you can muscle test yourself if you’re at courage or above by pinching your middle finger and thumb. If you want to try this right now, let’s geek out a little bit more. Pinching middle finger and thumb, and then you’re going to link them together. Yes, so you’re creating an infinity symbol. You’re going to pinch really hard and then pull just to test your baseline again and then pinch really hard and say or think yes and pull. And try to break, but try to stay strong at the same time and now you’re going to say no and pull again. So you can try that back and forth. So again, yes, you’re staying strong because yes is your body is strong. No, your body weakens.
Brooke Lawson:
Okay, so yes is strong, no is not.
Jillian Schleger:
So that’s one way you can muscle test yourself. The other way is bending your middle finger, putting it on the nail bed of your index finger. And you’re going to hold your index finger really, really strong and you’re going to push down to baseline and then you’re going to say what is yes and push down. And they’re gonna say what is no and push down.
Brooke Lawson:
That’s so crazy.
Jillian Schleger:
Yeah. So those are two ways. The third way that I used a lot is the, I call the body pendulum. You’re standing up, feet shoulder width apart, and you feel like you’re a tree. You feel like you have roots into the earth and you’re really strong and stable. And then you ask, you say to your body, what does yes look like? And you wait and you allow your body to move any way that it’s going to. And then after that you say, what does no look like? Normally people lean forward for yes and they lean back for no, but some people are different. That’s another technique.
Some people do this in the grocery store. If they’re looking at two soup cans, if they’re looking at two, pick one up and say, is this in my greatest and highest good to ingest or eat this one? And you can either go back for no and then you’ll check and the sodium’s like 45%. A lot of people use that technique fo different things.
Brooke Lawson:
I wasn’t even thinking anything like that, I’m thinking huge, big picture, these massive questions. So even, like anything at all?
Jillian Schleger:
Yeah, anything. A healer by the name of Christie Marie Sheldon talks about muscle testing. I don’t know if she uses the word muscle testing, but she’ll say what does yes and no feel like, and then I’m going out on this date. Is going out to meet this person in my greatest and highest good?
Brooke Lawson:
That’s a good one.
Jillian Schleger:
Yeah, you can muscle test absolutely anything.
Brooke Lawson:
That’s so cool. And that’s kind of what, you talk about that a little bit more in the freebie? Or is that okay?
Jillian Schleger:
Yeah. Shifting from Fear, we talk about, I go through the steps of muscle testing like we just did. And then I go into the map of consciousness and I talk about if you are focused on a goal in your life, but you have fear surrounding that goal, then you can go into this shift from fear toolkit. And this toolkit walks you through the steps to raise your frequency or energetic resonance above fear. And you go as high as you can go. The next step above of fear is courage. No it’s not. I’m kidding. No, it’s desire, sorry. If you’re thinking about the goal, so if you want your business to make 15,000 this month, but you have fear around that, does the desire to meet that goal kick fear and the way?
And then you can rate it. Instead of, you can actually, you can muscle test, you can use a pendulum like I do, or you can do a zero to 10 scale. Zero being no, 10 being 100% yes. Then once you get to desire and you feel into that desire and you kind of anchor that feeling in. Like, yeah, I want this more than I’m fearful of it, I want this. Then you go to courage. Do you have the courage to do what it takes because of that desire? Desire will fuel the courage and then courage, going to acceptance, and then going to understanding, then going to love. It allows you to climb out of that lower energy.
Brooke Lawson:
Wow. I’m downloading it as soon as we get off of here. For sure. That’s awesome. So if anybody else has any more questions since I just can’t even process anything at this point. Now is the time. But I’m seriously gonna watch this video again. Probably more than that, too. So if anybody else has any other questions cause I dropped the ball.
Jillian Schleger:
That’s all right. So, as we’re waiting for questions to come in, one of the charts that I have is actually the energetic resonance chart. And I don’t know if you’d be able to see it very well. It’s okay, actually. That is the energetic resonance chart that I use. And this is what I use for every client on every session I have. We are at least 60% water and we fluctuate all the time. We’re never in, Christie Marie Sheldon again, is one of the healers that I love and look up to and she has a course called Love or Above. And when I first started in that course, she said you have to be at love or above. Well, I love her, but that’s bs. You can’t be, you cannot walk around, think about your day. You can’t walk around in the frequency of love all the time. No.
Brooke Lawson:
Nope. Yeah, that would be really hard.
Jillian Schleger:
It would be! And you would feel kind of fake, right? I would, anyway. So backing up to the map of consciousness and my story of cancer. A really interesting evolvement with that was I learned when I started getting into muscle testing, and then last year when this whole thing kind of came together, which was very interesting, I learned that I was always in either shame or guilt. Because of my childhood, because I grew up in a household with a father who shamed me every day.
Shame is that an energetic resonance of 20. Guilt is that an energetic resonance of 30. And to put that in perspective, Dr. David Hawkins and others have muscle tested many, many things. A pile of dried herbs had an energetic resonance of 15.
Brooke Lawson:
Oh my gosh.
Jillian Schleger:
Yeah. Five less than shame. Cancer grows at 42. This is another reason why I’m so passionate about the work that I do. Because I really believe that, they talk about the body, cancer can’t grow in a body that is alkaline. It grows in an acidic body. But I also believe that cancer can’t grow if you’re at a higher energetic resonance.
Brooke Lawson:
Wow, so there’s this whole other side to it, too.
Jillian Schleger:
Yeah. It goes very, very deep. There’s a lot to it.
Brooke Lawson:
I love it. We do have a couple of questions. Heather says, if I’m around a six on a scale of one to 10, about whether or not I feel safe to be wealthy, what am I supposed to do?
Jillian Schleger:
Okay, so, let me see here. All right. What we’re going to do is, one technique that I use for NLP is. It started, NLP, neurolinguistic programming has this thing called the NLP grid. It’s a really ugly looking thing. I tried to make it, I made a chart and I tried to make it pretty. And another scientist that I follow, he’s actually a monk. He’s not really a scientist, but he goes into a lot of the quantum physics stuff. He does quantum jumping. He talks about a whiteboard or just a board that you visualize in front of you. On the left side of this board are things that are resistive or depleting or negative. Things that you don’t like. Things that don’t resonate well with you. On the right side are things that you do resonate with. And also, right side can be easy, left side can be hard. I try not to do this cause in case I’m backwards, I screw up.
Brooke Lawson:
I think we got it right!
Jillian Schleger:
Remember, right side is good, left side is bad. If you’re thinking of the affirmation, it’s safe for me to be wealthy and the right side would be far right, would be 100% yes. Far left side would be 100% no. You can also think of zero to 10. So far left would be zero, far right would be 10. However it’s easiest for you to envision. Envision this whiteboard in front of you and picture if you were putting a chess piece on this whiteboard thinking about the affirmation it’s safe for me to be wealthy. Where would that piece be? Heather said it was at a six. You’re about, 60%, so that’s on the right side, still, which is good, but you need to be at least 80% belief in something to actually manifest it.
You don’t have to be at 100%, you just have to be at 80. 60 is pretty close. So what you’re going to do is, again, we’re going to blow your mind. So actually, before I do that, Brooke, do you want to think about it’s safe for me to be wealthy and where would you place your chest piece on this board? What kind of belief do you have in that?
Brooke Lawson:
I feel I’m closer with Heather. Like a six, maybe seven on a good day.
Jillian Schleger:
All right, so now what you’re going to do is you’re going to envision and visualize – you don’t have to actually physically do it, but you can – visualize that you’re putting your hand inside this white board and you’re picking up that chest piece and you’re moving it to 100% on the right. Visualize doing that now.
Brooke Lawson:
Jillian Schleger:
And then you want to ask two questions. One is, does it move?
Brooke Lawson:
Does it move?
Jillian Schleger:
Yeah, it does it feel like it moved? And two, did it stay at 100%?
Brooke Lawson:
I’m not good at the visual visualization stuff, but I mean, yeah, yeah.
Jillian Schleger:
So we can ask Heather if hers stayed at 100% or if it did move. Sometimes we get into, that’s where the emotional triggers come in. That’s where the limiting beliefs and, actually, trauma come in. Sometimes when I have clients that are doing this exercise or trying to get to a goal in their business or in their life and they feel stuck, they feel stuck because there’s an actual anchor there. There’s an actual emotional trigger and a trauma that’s keeping them from achieving that.
Maybe my family doesn’t make very much money, so I shouldn’t be able to make very much money. Or that money’s bad, all of that kind of stuff. Or if you are a spiritual entrepreneur, we have a whole bunch of these. We have the vow of poverty. Well, Jesus was a healer and he didn’t get paid for it so I shouldn’t, right? There’s all of these traumas and vows and contracts that are actually keeping us from achieving our goals.
Brooke Lawson:
That makes sense. Yeah, it’s something to overcome, but it makes sense logically to me.
Jillian Schleger:
So sometimes when people put their hands in there, it won’t move. It can’t move.
Brooke Lawson:
Heather said, I’m not good at visualizing things either, but mine did stay at a hundred. And then she said this time.
Jillian Schleger:
Yeah, so the next thing you want to do is, there’s – in the middle of your sternum – there’s the thymus gland underneath your sternum. You tap or do a thymus thump if it did stay at a hundred. And you do that until you get a sigh. And that sigh is you anchoring that new energetic alignment. You’re safe being wealthy at a hundred percent belief.
Brooke Lawson:
Dude, this is awesome.
Jillian Schleger:
It’s pretty neat stuff.
Brooke Lawson:
It really is. I think we had another question, too. Tanya says, is the pendulum muscle testing the same as normal pendulum work with the show me yes, show me no response?
Jillian Schleger:
Yes. So, hi Tanya. Yeah. Okay, so let’s get into some freaky stuff here. Years ago in the spiritual time, I can’t remember what they called it, it was back in the romantic period when they did a lot of psychic stuff. They did a lot of ouija boards and seances and all of that medium stuff. A lot of people used a pendulum during that time to communicate with spirits. That’s where the term divination came in, or divining, but I see divination as divine action and the divination is actually about the movement of the pendulum.
When I do any kind of work, even when you’re meditating, you are opening yourself up spiritually. You want to be aware of that and you want to always shield, ground, and protect yourself. Which I, of course, teach. But I do this with the pendulum as well. I do believe in spirits. I do believe in other realities and entities. And I think that when we are light workers, when we’re spiritual people, we actually shine a little bit differently than other people who are kind of closed off to that. And when we sit down and when we open up to communicate, and that’s what we’re doing when we’re working with a pendulum, is we’re opening up to communicate. I intend this communication is only to my body, my energy system, my higher self, or to my client or student.
If anybody else is doing anything this, what I want to suggest is when you’re doing testing with yourself, please do intend that you are only testing yourself. You’re not opening up to communicating with anything else. You can envision a white light around your house or around you, things like that.
When you’re communicating with somebody else, like if I was tapping in energetically with Brooke. And I don’t please, again, don’t do this unless you have confirmation that somebody allows you to do it. But I would, as if I was doing a Reiki session with you, I would tap in energetically. But for us, I would ask you to visualize that we’re standing in a crowded room and there’s a lot of people between us, but all of those people are black and white and you and I are color. We’re only allowing that communication to happen with us and nobody else. That’s very important.
There were a lot of different ways that people used a pendulum. They would use a pendulum or a ouija board to communicate with spirits or with the dead. And I don’t want any of that stuff. I’m into parapsychology, I love it, and I watch scary movies all the time, but keep that out there. I like sleeping and not being interrupted by stuff. Okay.
Brooke Lawson:
Okay. That’s so interesting, though. Again, my mind is still just blown.
Jillian Schleger:
Didn’t think it would be this deep of a topic when we started!
Brooke Lawson:
I’m loving it though, for real. I’m loving it. I’m just going to have to go back and watch again. Heather says, my limiting belief is you have to work so hard to make money and be wealthy.
Jillian Schleger:
Right. So we can do the whiteboard with this as well. This one, we’re doing the opposite. You think about where that belief is on the right. Far right would be 100% yes, I believe that, and far left is 100% no, I don’t believe that. So you want to put your hand in and see where that chess piece is for that belief. Put your hand in, pick up the chess piece and move it to the left and try to get it to 100% on the left.
Brooke Lawson:
Okay. I gotcha. I’m with you.
Jillian Schleger:
Now, to put this into perspective. This is how I quit smoking.
Brooke Lawson:
Wow. Again, you’re just like, I’m still in whole big picture mode and you’re talking about actual practical things. Not that the big things aren’t practical, but you know, okay, that’s crazy.
Jillian Schleger:
I am divorced. I went through a very, very nasty divorce and I would probably kick – I’m a very spiritual person and I’m lovely. I’m a lovely person. I would kick him in the teeth today I think if I saw him. That’s how much of a trigger, an emotional trigger, he is. And I want to keep it that way because I used him. He was my left 100% of things that I despise. And I put on the whiteboard where smoking was, which I loved smoking, I smoked for almost 30 years.
Brooke Lawson:
Oh my gosh.
Jillian Schleger:
And I did this one time. I put my hand into the whiteboard and I moved that smoking back to go onto and layer with him. 100% on the left. And I did that once. And I never, never smoked again.
Brooke Lawson:
That’s amazing. Congratulations!
Jillian Schleger:
Thank you!
Brooke Lawson:
I’m going to make a list of all the things I’m going to try to use this for.
Jillian Schleger:
Yeah, and you can! If you have a habit of eating some stuff that you love, but you know that it’s really, really, really bad for you. You know, like poutine. We have poutine up here in Canada.
Brooke Lawson:
I’ve always wanted to try it!
Jillian Schleger:
It is so good. Love, love, love poutine. So I could, I haven’t, but I could use that on the whiteboard and move it over to the left. To not want it, to not crave it, to not desire it. Or I drink a lot of tea and I should drink more water. I could do this with figuring out where water is on the whiteboard and then moving it over to the right.
Brooke Lawson:
Okay. Yeah. I just have so many ideas. I love it. If anybody else has any questions then, now’s the time to put those in.
Jillian Schleger:
Yeah, we only have 10 minutes left. I’ve been rambling for like 50 minutes.
Brooke Lawson:
No, no no! You’re awesome. This has been amazing. This has been so cool. I know we’ve had a few people join later, so if you did join late, you definitely want to go back and watch the beginning of this one because it’s awesome. Jillian’s awesome.
Jillian Schleger:
Thank you. Anybody that does want the shift from fear toolkit, there’s also other toolkits that I have. I’ll tell you a little bit, I know that I had told you about the Love Manifested Mastermind, which the link is in that description. One of my programs. I use all of these techniques to shift limitations around self love and around attracting love. That is a three month program. I also have a six week program on right now, which is called The Art of Manifestation. That program is about manifesting as a whole and getting into the chakra systems and releasing traumas that sit in the chakras.
So, I talked before about the limiting beliefs and things that we grow up hearing and taking on as our own limiting beliefs or traumas. These traumas sit in different parts of our bodies and that’s why some people, I know we have body types, but a lot of times if we’re holding, fat or weight around certain types that’s because we are protecting that area. We have a lot of trauma that is sitting in that area. And oftentimes when we release that trauma, we lose that weight. That’s kind of a side effect.
But the Art of Manifesting, we go into each trauma. The fear would be in the root. Guilt is in the sacral, which is below the navel or bellybutton. Shame or lack of confidence would sit in your solar plexus, which is high belly right underneath the sternum, so oftentimes when we feel a lack of confidence or feel our power’s taken away from us, we feel that right in our upper belly, upper gut. Unworthiness is in our heart, so oftentimes, I’ll say to people that one affirmation, it’s safe for me to be wealthy. If people see that and they think, oh, that doesn’t feel good, a lot of times that’s, I feel unworthy and that’ll be in the heart.
We go through a lot of these. And that’s only a six week programs, so that’s on right now. But the other giveaways, other than the shift from fear, is a goal testing worksheet that I have. This goes into the goals that you do have and taps into, are you confident? Are you really wanting that goal? Do you feel like you’re worthy of that goal? Are you only interested in the goal or are you committed? And your confidence. We rate and test all of that. I also have a manifest your dreams toolkit, or guide, and that walks people through how to manifest.
Brooke Lawson:
Cool! And all that stuff is on your website?
Jillian Schleger:
Brooke Lawson:
Cool, so we’ll make sure all the links get in there, too. I know we have a couple of them, so I’ll make sure all of those get in here too. It looks like we have one more question, yay. I think we’re good. Okay, cool. So that’s all we have today. Thank you so much for coming in!
Jillian Schleger:
You are welcome, thanks for having me!
Brooke Lawson:
Yeah, it’s been so much fun. And like I said, I’m going to go back and watch this a million more times, I’m sure. If anybody has any questions watching the replay, put those in and we will answer them. I won’t, you will hopefully because I don’t have the answers! But everybody ask your questions.
Jillian Schleger:
Yeah. And even if you have something that you’re wanting to be tested on, so I can test percentages, you just have to let me know that I can tap in and do that. But the NLP, or the whiteboard, is really useful for a lot of different things. And I really, I love telling people, please muscle test. Try to muscle test with a partner first to see if you’re at courage or above to be able to muscle test yourself. You can kind of freak somebody out by muscle testing in their body. There are like 5% of people who this doesn’t work for. They’ll be strong for yes and strong for no. There’s a small percentage of people who it just doesn’t work for.
Brooke Lawson:
Okay. I feel like it’s like that with anything. Okay, well, put in comments after and thank you for everybody showing up live and participating and this has been awesome. Thank you Jillian! Everybody have a great night and we’ll see you later.
Jillian Schleger:
All right, thanks! Thanks, Brooke, a lot.
Brooke Lawson:
Bye! Thank you!
Amy F. Aurore is a spiritual life coach and teacher and she’s coming in for #SpotlightSunday to talk to us about a really cool way to look at the moon and show us how it can be used as a tool for personal growth.
Chrystal Lessard Lofton is coming for #SpotlightSunday to share tips & ideas of how to balance YOUR priorities with your family obligations without losing your mind, your identity, or screwing up your kids!
Samoa Blachet is a Quantum Cash & Clients Coach at her biz Ink’d by Samoa. She’s coming in for #SpotlightSunday to share how to become a Limitless Leader.