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Tara Wagner is the founder of XO, Tara where she teaches self-employed women really effective strategies for kicking overwhelm, burnout, and Imposter Syndrome to the curb, so they can gain the clarity and confidence to get more of the right things done, and finally create the life and business they know they’re capable of (but somehow keep coming up short on).
Tara’s coming in to teach us all about emotional aromatherapy and how it’s not a bunch of hokey woo-woo shit.
Tara’s website: https://xotara.us/
Tara’s Sniff, Sniff, Affirm freebie: https://xotara.us/oils/
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Here’s a transcript of the episode
Tara Wagner:
Okay. I think we’re on our way to being, give it just another second. Technology’s fun, right? I know the delay is a little awkward.
Brooke Logan:
Okay, cool. We’re here with Tara. One of the very first thing, the very first video I ever watched, it was like, my name is Tara not Tara. So we are here with Tara and she’s going to be teaching us some awesome stuff. Okay. Introduce yourself and tell us about your business, why you started, all that good stuff.
Tara Wagner:
So like Brooke said, my name is pronounced Tara Wagner. My website is xotara.us. And what I actually do is I work with women who are overwhelmed usually because they have so many moving pieces in their business. They don’t really know which direction to go. They want to go forward and instead they kind of tend to go in a lot of circles. And so what I do is I teach women how to, like your science has get shit done, but I also feel good doing it. So what I found is that most times what is behind our overwhelm or frustration is all of the emotional, mental mind games that we’re playing with ourselves. And so there’s kind of two aspects to what I do. The very practical like let’s get organized, let’s create a plan, let’s figure out what you’re doing, why you’re doing and how you’re doing it, less strategy and more organization and then let’s make sure that you feel amazing and that you have the confidence that you need and that you, um, you know, feel clear minded and all that good stuff that we want to be filling in our business.
But quite often though, sometimes we’re not, not so much. It’s like when we’re either just starting or we’re getting to that place where we’re trying to up level, like we’ve gotten to our first real ceiling and you know, we’re trying to scale and it’s difficult. It’s difficult to, you know, scale your business when you’re in the midst of trying to run your business. So it is for sure. So how did you, how did you get started in this? Yeah, so I actually started with belief breakthrough work primarily as a life coach about eight years ago. And um, I love that and it’s still a big piece of what I’m doing with the emotional and the mindset work. But I started working with more female entrepreneurs about four years ago and I just, I love women in business. I feel like that is going to be what has the chance to heal the world is like getting more women into positions of power, getting more money into women’s hands so that they have resources to do the things they want to do.
Um, and just, you know, I don’t like to say that I empower women because I think that that’s a very personal thing we do for ourselves, but I encourage women to empower themselves and it just, it gets me excited to be able to do that with women through the route of entrepreneurship. Because when you raise a woman up, you raise up generations. I mean every woman after her learns from that example that she’s leading. So it gets me super excited. So I was working with women in business but not really realizing that that was what I was doing until I had an Aha moment and realize like, oh yeah, this, this is actually made to be doing. Now I’m in the midst of a whole rebrand and habit and relaunching all that good stuff out into the world all at the same time. So I’m getting to practice what I preach. Yay. But your your sites so far it looks awesome. It looks really good. We may see it in like another month or two.
Brooke Logan:
Okay. So before we dig in to what you’re going to teach us, I was like to ask everybody kind of, what is your definition of branding? Because I feel like it’s different for everyone. And then how, how is branding, you know, how have you used it in your business and how’s it affected you?
Tara Wagner:
So I would say my definition of branding is really about, not even sure how to describe this. I probably should have thought about the words to this a little bit more before out here. I feel like it’s really about making the outside match the inside. So like everybody kind of thinks of branding is like your colors and your images and all of that and that’s sure that’s part of it. But also just the vibe that you’re putting out, that energy that is bringing to the table, making sure that that’s aligning with who you are with your values, what you want to be doing in your business, how you want to be feeling in your business.
On one hand I like to tell them and you’re not your brand, you actually are a human being and you don’t have to always your like you’re on. But also so many of us, you know, we’re a big part of our brands and it has to match who we are and it has to match our ideals in terms of lifestyle, in terms of values. Um, and it just, it has to feel like a click. Everything has to kind of click together. Awesome. I love it. And then the second part of your question, just like how has your, how has your business shifted since you like started focusing on branding or happen or maybe it hasn’t, like have you noticed a difference? So when I got started with, with the coaching that I was doing eight years ago, it really came out of a, a personal blog.
It was really organically kind of evolved and I really had no idea what branding was. I think that there was definitely a brand there because people are resonating with it. But I feel like as I got more clear on my brand, what it’s about, who it’s about, it’s stronger. Like people get it, they hear it, it clicks more and there’s less like, but what do you do? And who does the hazy? I don’t quite understand it. People are like, Oh yeah, and get it. And I feel like going through that process, it’s helped me to gain that clarity, but it’s also helped give that clarity other people. Perfect.
Brooke Logan:
That’s exactly what I like to hear! I want to write those exact words that you just said down somewhere. Cool. Okay. Pass that test.
Tara Wagner:
Yeah. I’m like, wait, I got to tell the branding expert what branding is?!
Brooke Logan:
I’ve loved hearing everyone’s definition. It’s so fun for me. That’s one of the questions to get into the group is like, mostly I just ask questions to make sure you’re an actual human, you know? But it’s like that one’s really fun to read. I love, I love seeing everyone’s answers. Thank you.
So, yeah, so let’s dig in then. So what are you going to teach us today?
Tara Wagner:
So it’s kind of funny that you named that. What did you name it? It was what you put in your original, it’s like, I like threw out a bunch of ideas and I was like, you know, we can even talk about how essential oils aren’t a bunch of woo woo shit and you titled it that. So yeah, when I was doing the, the belief breakthrough in the beginning, the first three years. and it’s hard. It’s great. You can feel very hard. And then I was introduced to the oils and I started using them just for my own physical health and was blown away and very excited. And then somebody introduced me to the emotional aspect and I fell down a rabbit hole. So I started learning all of the neuroscience behind it. I started learning, you know the woos stuff behind the tubes. I think that’s super cool too. And I don’t know about you but I find that like increasingly the best science is getting to be really woo. And I’m like, so when I started really investigating the emotional aspects of it, I started to experiment with myself and then I started to experiment with my clients and I was blown away. What used to take us like this long drawn out painful process of like, you know, talking about their beliefs and like trying not to go into therapy with them and more of this stuff would come up and it would just bring up so much.
It suddenly just got really easy. Like they were just able to like, you know, immediately pinpoint how they want it to feel and move in that direction. There was so much more fluidity. There was, um, I guess you would call it plasticity. People could just change and change faster. And then I had an experience. So back then I had a green living website and I was invited to speak on the [inaudible] show and like Ricky lake is like my car. She did, uh, the business of being born and she wanted to do a green show and she wanted me to come on as the expert and I have to understand, I was not an expert. I have a green living site that was hired as a hobby. I was also very introverted. I was terrified to be on stage. I was terrified to be in the spotlight.
I was terrified to be on video. Like all of the things that I was most terrified out, I was going to be sitting in front of a live audience, millions. And in a moment of like sheer insanity, I was like, sure, I can do that. And then and crap, what am I going to do? So I really, this was when I was really delving into the oils. I was just starting to help my clients experiment with them and I just decided, you know what, these are going to work with. They’re not going to work. So I spent, I only had three weeks. I spent three intensive weeks working really closely with the oils on very specific beliefs that I knew that I was, you know, just deep down, struggling with it could be fine with it. Any other instance, but you put me on stage and all of my, I’m not good enough.
What are other people gonna think of me. I can’t put myself out there like that. People are gonna like come after me with pitchforks. That stuff was coming up for me. And so I just, I just delved into it and I started doing all of my belief breakthrough work, but with the oils in conjunction really, really intensely for three weeks. I got up on that stage and there’s still a video on youtube of anybody wants to search this out. When she called me out on stage, I still laugh at this today because I would out there and was like, hey, I was making jokes. I was laugh at like something had just opened up and me, my entire personality just shouted. And I just felt this sense of like, not not cockiness and not overconfidence, but like, you know what? I know what I have to offer and I am enough and I don’t have to be anybody else, but I can show up and just do my thing.
That changed everything for me. I mean from then on out I was obsessed. I was like learning all that I could about the oils. I was getting everybody involved. I went down this long rabbit hole with them and basically long story short, I just, it proved to me the power of using essential oils and the reason why they work. So I tell people, when you think about mindset, what you have to think about is a kind of like a, a truck traveling road, right? Something happened, you learned something, you experienced something at some point in your life and not truck drove down that road. And then maybe something else came along. And you know, we’re living the same lives as children. So we learned the same lessons over and over and that truck starts to just drive ruts and dry ruts and pretty soon that’s what’s happening. Our thoughts are just going along these ruts, right? Like I don’t know if you’ve ever seen the Oregon trail, go out and you can still see these deep wagon ruts from like, I mean, what was that like 200 years ago? I don’t even know.
Brooke Logan:
I didn’t pay attention in class. I just played a long time ago.
Tara Wagner:
Still see these ruts because they traveled. It’s so consistently. That’s what’s happening with our beliefs. And I tell people this isn’t a bad thing or beliefs or designed to be helpful to keep us safe, to, you know, make sure that we’re experiencing good things in life. Like set that they don’t grow like we do and they don’t change like life does. And so what happens is people get stuck in these kind of like thought ruts right over and over and over so that when they’re 30 or 35, there’s still responding from this belief or this Rut that was created when they were like three or four or five doesn’t really make sense anymore. And this is, this is really difficult to change. This is why people go to therapy for years. This is why people insist that people don’t change because as we get older, we do have less plasticity. We do have less flexibility, and those things are mostly unconscious. They’re very difficult to bring consciousness to. And so if we’re not consciously aware of what’s happening, we’re just going to keep driving that road, driving that road, driving that road. Right?
Brooke Logan:
So, thank you. I’m a big analogy fan, but I love it.
Tara Wagner:
So think of all of your, your beliefs living in this house, right? Your beliefs are like the framework to this house. So they tell you who you are, what you can do, what you can’t do. Um, who others are, what’s safe, what’s not safe, right? So all these experiences we had, and again, these are helpful, like we learned that if we jump off something too high, we could hurt ourselves. And this helps us to like understand gravity and not jump out of the second floor window. These are not bad beliefs. But if we’ve learned, if we’ve been surrounded by, let’s say we’re surrounded by poverty, we may learn that certain options are not available to us. That becomes a belief. It becomes a framework in that house, right? And then we continue to build out this house when, and that’s the house that we live in. So pretend like this house has this big gigantic gate around it, right?
Your brain protects all of this because it wants to keep you safe, right? So it’s really difficult to get in. Well, think about that truck driving down the road, right? This truck basically has like the key to the back gate. So when you think about now all this is happening in your limbic system, your emotional center of your brain, potentially also in the emotional cerebellum. But we don’t know enough about that yet to really say for sure, but I’m fascinated by it. That’s a whole nother tangent, but I’m going to stick to the limbic system because we know that inside your limbic system is your olfactory bulb, which is this little tiny sense of smell. Okay? So it takes a Roma is up to your limbic system and processes them and your limbic system, it processes all of your thoughts, your memories and your emotions.
Okay, so our sense of smell is the only one of our senses is processed right alongside our emotions, our memories, conscious and unconscious, all of the thoughts we have, our personality, all of that is influenced by aroma. So we believe that this is true because like if you smelled smoke, you should like be alert and be looking around and trying to figure it out. Right? That’s the best thing that we can understand except that I personally believe that like we evolved next to plants and so our body just knows that it’s can, it’s going to be using these different things. I don’t think it was just as a self preservation mechanism. I think it was also as a way to help us to heal our bodies. Just like plants heal our bodies and other ways. Yeah. So there’s all factory bulb. What it specifically does, it is like the truck.
Okay. So it’s going to take the aroma but not just the aroma. It’s going to take whatever is associated with that aroma, plop it in the back of that truck and carry it up to your limbic system right up to that house into the back gate where no one else can access and drop it off. Now I hopefully this is still making sense to you. Yeah. Yeah. So you’re a couple people just joined. So make sure they just join, go back and watch the beginning because this is like crazy off. We’re going. See it’s awesome. Ask questions if you got them. Cause I love this stuff. So the reason that this is important to understand is because when you use a Roma by itself, yes, it can smell great and it can feel good and it, you’ll have an immediate response. But when you associate it with something, especially something that you want to feel or want to think, it’s going to take it up to that framework and start implanting it a little bit faster.
Right? So when we’re using affirmations by themselves, they’re like, we all know that they work, but the science and the research can’t prove that they work because they’re slow. Like they’re, they don’t work very fast, but when you attach and aroma to it, it’s going to bring it into that back door so that you can get into that unconscious place in your mind, into the limbic system, the in these oils, some of them help to calm, some of them helped to stimulate, they all interact with different parts of the limbic system. And so you have this, you have this back entrance into this unconscious part of your mind. So if you can bring awareness to how you want to feel and the beliefs that you want to create, and you can find the right aromas that are going to attach to those things and stimulate those areas of the brain in the right way, you can start to rewrite those patterns.
Like I said, I’ve done it in a matter of weeks. Now it’s not always weeks. Sometimes. I mean, sometimes it can be days, but that’s not usually the case. Sometimes it can be months. What really matters is the consistency because if you went 12 years in one, you know, the first 12 years of your life living at one experience, it’s not going to, you’re not going to overcome that experience in a day or 10 affirmations or 15 minutes of EFT. Like you’ve gotta be consistent because while you’re trying to rewrite that brain or kind of dig a new Rhett, that old truck is still driving that old rut. So like you’ve got to be consistent enough to kinda like get in front of that bad boy. And you know what I mean? He’s block him off. And Yeah. So all of this, I mean there’s a lot more to it.
We can get into like all factory neurons and how they’re learning things themselves. Like you said, the emotional cerebellum is like this whole new thing that they’re discovering. That’s really fascinating, but essentially there is like a woo metaphysical part to this, but I feel like it’s only and metaphysical because science hasn’t figured out how to prove it yet and as they’re starting to understand more and more of these things, then all of the like woo, which he earth got to see. Women are like, it’s about time you guys when you were, yeah, so I like to, I like to teach people the science of it because I feel like our brains like logic and so when you understand that this is just a matter of kind of overpowering the old way of thinking with something new and using sort of a, what would you call it?
Like a booster pack faster, make it more, give it more potential and make it easier. It just, it does. It just makes it easier. So it doesn’t have to feel like this drudgery or drudgery or I need to go to therapy for this or oh here I am at this same pattern again. It can just start to feel like, oh okay, that’s just that truck. Let me interrupt it and let me get on with life. That’s awesome. That’s so cool. It’s so cool. It’s so cool. I want to sciency stuff too. Like I love hearing about the sciencey part. It’s amazing. It’s amazing. And what’s really cool is um, so like getting into a little bit more of the end up stuff. You’re all factory bulb has all factory neurons, right? And that’s part of what helps it to smell what we’re now finding that our body has all factory neurons all over the place, which doesn’t make any sense why our kidneys and our liver would have all factory neurons except like, I’m like, okay, but how is that interacting?
Because like if I put an oil on my stomach cause I have an upset stomach, how has that also interacting mind, body connection wise to be able to help me break maybe whatever pattern is causing the upset stomach. Like when I used to get really nervous, I used to have to go to the bathroom like a million times. Right? Or I would get an, I would get like that knot in my stomach. Well your stomach, all of that. That’s like your sense of self. Right? So when you can use something, whether you’re using it on a physical level or an emotional level, you’re, you’re still approaching it from the same place as you’re, you’re, you’re looking at it from that mind body connection instead of one or
Brooke Logan:
that makes sense. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. So then like let’s say I’m totally sold, which I am. So for somebody who has never had any experience with oils at all, like how, how would you recommend you get started with something like this? It’s like trial and error. Just picking oil and see if it works?
Tara Wagner:
I would not say that because that can get really expensive. Unless you just want to buy all the oils and then I would say go for it. But no, what I would probably do, um, anybody can reach out to me if they want to. What I usually do with women is I will sit down and I’ll talk with them for maybe 10 or 15 minutes to get an idea, ask them some questions to kind of help them get beneath the surface a little bit, pinpoint some of the emotions that they’re having, some of the underlying beliefs that they’re aware of. Maybe I might be able to pick up on some others that they’re not aware of and then make some customized recommendations. I usually tell women to get at least five or six, get a wide variety because our emotions shift. So you feel like you’re this way, but um, your emotions are going to shift very quickly, especially when you start using oils. Do not go off of smell alone because it doesn’t really matter how they smell.
And in fact, some of them that don’t smell good, I find many, many times that that is a sign of how it’s interacting with your emotional state in that moment. And so it may smell totally different, you know, three hours later, three days later, three weeks later, because of the way our emotions changed, the aromas aren’t going to change as well. The, I had one, I had one gal who hated perpetually, literally, it would bring up so much anger for her if she sat there and just smelled patchouli for a minute, just all this emotion would come up. So I had her sit down, do some journaling about that anger, just like let it all out on the paper. She said it was about three hours of letting it all out, but went back and smell different chewy. And she said it’s so completely different to her.
So it changes and shifts things very, very quickly. And she was able to like release some stuff that she didn’t realize was there. I mean, it was like a huge healing experience for her, but it, it just changed her response to that oil. Um, I also tell women to go with blends, especially blends that are geared towards emotions because you cover more bases with the blend, right? You can get five or six oils in one oil instead of five or six individual oils. Make sense? Um, and then in terms of how you’re going to use them, it really will vary. Most of the time you’re going to be using them aromatically or topically. So like as a perfume, something like that. But what I like to do is get some in my hands and just inhale. So you’re just flooding your limbic system at the same time though again, and remember what we said about that truck and you got to put something in the truck for it to carry it up the road.
Do the, use the oils with something with whatever modality you love. Like I do a lot with affirmations. I do some with EFT. I do a lot just in conversation because just having a conversation out loud with somebody is a really great way to shift beliefs. But using the oil with those things so that you are, um, you’re creating that association, you’re making the work faster, but then also when you create an association between an aroma and a, maybe an affirmation and you’re using it consistently, if you then go into a situation where you need that affirmation, you can either use the affirmation or use the aroma and bring up those same emotions because you’ve created that, that association. Does that make sense? That makes perfect sense. Yeah, it really does. It’s very, very cool. Like the whole association thing, it’s sort of like, um, like people will say, they’ll like, you can use oils to calm down your dog, right?
Certain oils you can use to calm down your dog and they’ll use them. Like when a storm has started, and I tried to tell people that’s going to create an association between that oil and the anxiety of that storm. You want to use the oil consistently in calm times when you’re petting, when you’re playing with the dog, when the dog is feeling safe and relaxed because then when you go to use the oil during a storm, it’s going to bring back those feelings of I’m safe, I’m loved. It’s okay. Like, yeah, that’s the same thing that we’re doing in our Brighton to we’re creating positive associations using this little back road hill through the gate into the framework. Yeah, it’s even like psychology classes. Was it Pavlov with the dog and they were like, that’s what that reminded me of all just a bunch of puppies with brains that learn, you know, and then live out patterns the rest of our life.
I mean that’s really, obviously we’re a lot more than that. At the core though, it’s like at the, at just a physical level, we need to be able to work with our physical body, our cells and the way that plants will do that. It’s, it’s just phenomenal. It just makes that work so much easier. Instead of trying to bypass the body and go straight into meditation, use the body youth, you know, what the planet gave us. And that’s going to help you to get into something like meditation or to feel confident enough to, you know, go to a networking event and totally rocket, right. Like it’s just, um, it’s just accessing those places and helping to shift those patterns that, that we’ve been living out for so long.
Brooke Logan:
That’s so cool. So cool. I’m sold. It’s really cool.
Tara Wagner:
So I have a little freebie. Can I mentioned that? This is to a guide that I have called sniff, sniff, affirm, and it goes through my, my top 10 favorite oils. And then it goes through affirmations for every oil and it talks to you about what each oil addresses. So it covers things like motivation, shitty moods, the inability to let go of control, holding onto grudges, feeling disappointment, feeling stressed, feeling overwhelmed. All the things that, you know, female entrepreneurs will feel all the days of our lives. So it will go through which oils are going to address those things. And then affirmations that you can start using with every oil. And, and this is repeated in that sniffs suffer from guide. But again, I cannot, I have to just nail or like drive home the importance of consistency because in order to really dig that new rep of positive right, that we actually want to feel and experience, we have to, we have to train our brain to think this way more often than it’s thought this way. And it just takes time and consistency.
Brooke Logan:
So like what does your routine look like?
Tara Wagner:
So I get up in the morning, I diffused oil for motivation because it gets my energy levels up. It also increases my focus. It helps me to go in when I’m sitting at my desk and just feel like I’ve got this instead of like, oh my gosh, I’ve got so much to do. How am I going to do it? I’m like, no, I got this. Like this is no problem. So I turned that on. When I wake up in the morning, I’m usually, I’ll go walk the dogs and come back and it’s filled up the bathroom. I take a shower, I do my hair and makeup and I actually have my affirmations written out, um, where I’m doing my hair and makeup. So I will use those every morning. Um, then I will, um, I also have affirmations on my desktop. Now I don’t necessarily say the affirmations all the time, but they’re always visually there for me so that I’m just helping as many ways possible to rewrite those stories, right.
To just bring in new information to my brain. And then anytime I’m really needing like extra emphasis on something, that’s when I’ll break out some bigger tools. So, you know, maybe I’ll sit down and do some journaling or do some, some writing of the affirmations because that makes it very tactile and your brain likes that multisensory. And again, just using the different oils for that. So one of my favorites as Bergamot, Bergamot and, and oil called elevation and an oil called balance. Those are the three that I use the most to overcome my fear of being on television and totally go out there and rock it. Those ones totally did it for me. They wouldn’t be the same ones for everybody, but those really helped me to address the, the um, belief. I’m not enough. The belief of, um, you know, I’ve got the energy to do this. I can feel stable and solid and grounded and still go out and have fun and be joyful. It just really helped me to kind of bring it all in together with what I was dealing with. And then I will use oils to shut my brain down at the end of the night because I have a constant running to do list.
So, okay, so here’s your little trick. This is your prefrontal Cortex, right? It’s also third eye. If you know you’re, you’re a shocker is right here. If you put grounding oils, so this is going be, um, trees or florals. If you put that right here, it starts to actually slow down your prefrontal cortex. So your prefrontal cortex is what is responsible for thinking, planning, and worrying. So if your brain is just spinning, Spinning, spinning, and you can’t shut it off, it’s usually right here and he just put a little bit right there and it helps you to wind down. And what I do is I dilute this with some fractionated coconut oil and I’ll just roll it on and I use sandalwood for this specifically in sound of wood is also really great for those, those thinking lines that we get right there.
That’s really great for your skin. The little boat Hashtag bonus. Yeah. I need to remember to start putting it right here because I get this thinking line all the time. What do you mean? Yeah, it’s funny kinds of stuff doing that.
Brooke Logan:
No, that makes perfect sense. And so I don’t have a ton of experience with the oils, but I go to a yoga studio and at the end we have the Savasana. I think it’s how you saying the nap at the end? Yeah. She’ll walk around and she puts eucalyptus oil on our foreheads and like now I’m like, okay, anytime I smell eucalyptus, I’m like, okay, it’s nap time.
Tara Wagner:
Yeah. So that would create the association. Eucalyptus. That’s not one that I would generally use to like calm myself down, especially in Savasana. I would really want to do something like a floral or a tree because it’s going to help to kind of even out your brain patterns, your brain waves so that she can really settle into that meditation. But Eucalyptus is an amazing oil.
Brooke Logan:
Which type of oils do you use? Like the brand and aren’t there companies out there? And there’s a lot of different companies.
Tara Wagner:
There’s a lot of great companies. I ended up going with DoTerra because they’ve just worked so much better than anything that I’ve ever used. So I really love what they’re about, what they do, what they don’t do. They’re very big into sustainability. You know, they don’t use oils that are on the endangered species list, things like that.
But other companies are still doing. That’s really important to me. Um, and I just love what they’re about, you know, in terms of their values and in terms of the way they’ve worked in fair trade and sustainability and giving back to communities around the world. That really speaks widely to me. There are some great oils out there, some other great whales out there. I will tell you right now, do not buy anything from Walmart. It’s been tested by third party watchdogs. It is not legit. Okay. Bed Bath and beyond. Not Real. Um, best buy now has essential oils because they sell them next to the diffusers. And I guess that makes sense to them. Um, I don’t recommend that. I really don’t. Like I, I’m obviously bias. Like I am a doterra girl. I’ve been using essential oils for coming up on 19 years. Wow. And I’ve been using Doterra for about six years and I just, I absolutely loved them.
Brooke Logan:
Cool. They’ve won me over and that’s one of the ones, it’s like a network marketing thing where you buy from a person?
Tara Wagner:
Yeah. Make sure you get it from a person. The stuff on Amazon is kind of a mess right now. There’s a lot of, um, illegitimate sales like stolen product being resold, but also, um, like it’s very easy to make it look like a new bottle. Again, you can order the caps and put new caps on. So a lot of stuff that people are getting is not actually real oil anymore. So it’s just a, it’s a huge issue. Definitely get it straight from the company or through a person who can help you get it from the company. Yeah, definitely be careful. There have been so many horror stories and like it’s because essential oils are gaining popularity and so there’s companies out there that are trying to just make a buck.
They’re not selling oils based on quality. It’s just based on, you know, quantity. So I’m going to sell it, right? So I’m going to sell a $5 oil. No, I’m sorry. If your Frankincense is 10 bucks, it is not good. Frankincense to not go there. Get to know for sure. Anybody else has any questions? Now’s the time to put those in.
Brooke Logan:
Yeah, I’m seriously just like blown away. I love this. Like it’s fascinating stuff. I got some, I got like a lavender one a long time ago and I got, I don’t remember where I got it from, I think, I think it was just from Amazon and it just, I was like, this isn’t anything special.
Tara Wagner:
Lavender, peppermint and Melaleuca are probably the three most commonly fake. Oil’s not even just adulterated, but legit, just fate. Um, so smelling a lot of those that has turned a lot of people onto aroma therapy. I got a bottle of lavender with a diffuser that I ordered one time and it smell like soap. And I was like, no wonder people think of this isn’t real. I definitely have to be careful. Um, lavender though, which is interesting is we’ve known it for decades as the oil of communication. So it will help you to speak. It will help you to open up your voice. That’ll help you to connect with someone. Well, they just recently, not super recently, a few years ago, did research on lavender and the emotional impact and what they found was that in in their terms at increased trust, oh cool. The people sitting across from each other, they created a greater sense of trust using lavender than without it. So again, it’s that whole communication in a relationship, you know, magic that happens. So it’s fine. It said the science is, is catching up. We understand how aroma works with limbic system. There’s only a few people that have, you know, really started to match the research to it. All of our, you know, metaphysical woo fun stuff that we’ve known for years is, is watching all of that.
Brooke Logan:
Cool. That’s so cool. This is like, this is seriously been awesome. I love, I love all of your analogies again too.
Tara Wagner:
Even if you don’t use oils. Just understanding all of those little pieces is going to help you in whatever whatever you’re doing for yourself to feel confident in your business or to feel balanced or to not feel overwhelmed or to feel like I’ve got this right. Like things like the consistency and understanding how those beliefs were formed and what you need to do to overcome them. Those things are are important. And I think that too few people understand or really grasp the importance of, of those types of things.
Brooke Logan:
Yeah, I agree. And that’s, I love it. Good stuff to know.
Tara Wagner:
And then again, that little sniff, sniff, affirm freebie. We’ll go through the oils that will go through some really great affirmations. So if nothing else from the affirmations. Yeah cause it, if anybody is interested in understanding like which oils might be a good fit for them specifically to get started, feel free to reach out. I can easily jump on a 10 minute call and usually it’s within 10 maybe 15 minutes and tell you exactly where to start.
Brooke Logan:
Awesome. Yeah, I love it. Well thank you so much for teaching us. Yes, it was so fun. Thank you. Bye Tara.
Tara Wagner:
Thanks Brooke.
Amy F. Aurore is a spiritual life coach and teacher and she’s coming in for #SpotlightSunday to talk to us about a really cool way to look at the moon and show us how it can be used as a tool for personal growth.
Chrystal Lessard Lofton is coming for #SpotlightSunday to share tips & ideas of how to balance YOUR priorities with your family obligations without losing your mind, your identity, or screwing up your kids!
Samoa Blachet is a Quantum Cash & Clients Coach at her biz Ink’d by Samoa. She’s coming in for #SpotlightSunday to share how to become a Limitless Leader.