Why followers don’t matter and what to focus on instead with Jules Bradford

Why followers don’t matter and what to focus on instead with Jules Bradford

Why followers don’t matter and what to focus on instead with Jules Bradford
Jules Bradford is a digital marketing strategist who helps female entrepreneurs overcome the overwhelm of “all the things” online marketing and helps them build strong, supportive communities of soulmate clients by simplifying and up-leveling their list building and social media game.
Jules is coming in to share what we should REALLY be focusing on when we’re building our online tribes (hint hint: it’s NOT about our number of followers).

Jules’ website: http://www.julesbradford.com

Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE and leave a REVIEW

Have you subscribed yet?! I’m adding new episodes EVERY SINGLE DAY and trust me when I say you don’t wanna’ miss out! Click here to subscribe on Apple Podcasts or on Spotify!

If you loved it, please consider sharing the episode with a friend or give us a 5 star review! Reviews make it so much easier for other badasses like you to find the show. On Apple, just select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review”, and tell me whatcha loved the most. On Spotify (you gotta’ do it on your phone) it’s right under the title. Please and thank you!

Other things you might’ve searched for: online business branding, brand coach, branding coach, brand strategist, branding coach, brand archetypes, brand archetype, brand archetype quiz, how to get more followers, how to build my community, how to build my tribe, how to find my tribe
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Hey, I’m Brooke!

I’m a Creator archetype, INTJ, and music snob. I will fight you if you try to convince me that a MacBook is an instrument. It’s not.

But as far as this whole business thang goes… I’m basically a weird mix of creative-big-picture-thinker and analytical strategery all rolled into one.

I can help you use your unique personality to stand out BOLDLY online and attract your ideal clients like a freakin’ magnet – just by being YOU.

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How to quit QUITTING and get over your damn self

How to quit QUITTING and get over your damn self

How to quit QUITTING and get over your damn self
This is something I have ALWAYS struggled with (still working on it). Getting overwhelmed, feeling out of my league, feeling like an imposter, being scared to show up fully… the list goes on and on.
But here’s the hard truth. If we want to be successful, WE HAVE TO GET THE EFF OVER IT. I wanna talk today about how I’ve managed to do that and get myself out there – even being a SUPER introvert (if that was a real thing, it would totally be me).

*NOTE* This episode was recorded LIVE inside my Facebook group, Brand Boldly for Service-Based Entrepreneurs. Join the group to participate LIVE and get your questions answered in real time. 

Other things you might’ve searched for: online business branding, brand coach, branding coach, brand strategist, branding coach, brand archetypes, brand archetype, brand archetype quiz, how to stick to my goals, introvert in business, how to get more visible, how to get over fear of being visible, how to get visible online, how to go live on video, how to stop comparing myself, how to show up as myself, how to be myself online, how to be visible even though I’m an introvert

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Hey, I’m Brooke!

I’m a Creator archetype, INTJ, and music snob. I will fight you if you try to convince me that a MacBook is an instrument. It’s not.

But as far as this whole business thang goes… I’m basically a weird mix of creative-big-picture-thinker and analytical strategery all rolled into one.

I can help you use your unique personality to stand out BOLDLY online and attract your ideal clients like a freakin’ magnet – just by being YOU.

Can’t get enough of  this stuff?!

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The importance of putting our story out there with Dustie Nelson

The importance of putting our story out there with Dustie Nelson

The importance of putting our story out there with Dustie Nelson
Dustie Nelson is currently building a business to provide mobile/online therapy, coaching, and business consulting to women.
Her background includes a variety of social services, and she’s been in the music and arts industry for all of her adult life…singing, acting, writing, drawing/designing…and her most recent activity, learning to tattoo! (ps I’m SO jealous!!)

Dustie will be coming in to talk about the importance of putting our story out there because our vulnerability creates trust and action from others. It’s almost like our superpower. Sometimes the crazier it is the more intense the result! Dustie has lived a HELL OF A LIFE. This is no understatement. And sharing her story has helped to create pivotal changes in the lives of others. We CANNOT underestimate this ultra-powerful tool!

Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE and leave a REVIEW

Have you subscribed yet?! I’m adding new episodes EVERY SINGLE DAY and trust me when I say you don’t wanna’ miss out! Click here to subscribe on Apple Podcasts or on Spotify!

If you loved it, please consider sharing the episode with a friend or give us a 5 star review! Reviews make it so much easier for other badasses like you to find the show. On Apple, just select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review”, and tell me whatcha loved the most. On Spotify (you gotta’ do it on your phone) it’s right under the title. Please and thank you!

Other things you might’ve searched for: online business branding, brand coach, branding coach, brand strategist, branding coach, brand archetypes, brand archetype, brand archetype quiz, storytelling in business, how to tell my story online
Love it? Share it with your friends!

Hey, I’m Brooke!

I’m a Creator archetype, INTJ, and music snob. I will fight you if you try to convince me that a MacBook is an instrument. It’s not.

But as far as this whole business thang goes… I’m basically a weird mix of creative-big-picture-thinker and analytical strategery all rolled into one.

I can help you use your unique personality to stand out BOLDLY online and attract your ideal clients like a freakin’ magnet – just by being YOU.

Can’t get enough of  this stuff?!

Check out a few more blog posts

How to create your dream lifestyle

How to create your dream lifestyle

How to create your dream lifestyle
It’s easy to say, “oh I want to make 6 figures” or “I want to travel whenever I want” or “I want to be able to do whatever I want” but come on… those aren’t tangible goals.
I want to talk about HOW to design your lifestyle so you can actually achieve the things you want to achieve instead of just talking about it.

*NOTE* This episode was recorded LIVE inside my Facebook group, Brand Boldly for Service-Based Entrepreneurs. Join the group to participate LIVE and get your questions answered in real time. 

Other things you might’ve searched for: online business branding, brand coach, branding coach, brand strategist, branding coach, brand archetypes, brand archetype, brand archetype quiz, goal setting, how to set goals, how to achieve goals, setting smart goals, how to set achievable goals, how to set smart goals

Love it? Share it with your friends!

Hey, I’m Brooke!

I’m a Creator archetype, INTJ, and music snob. I will fight you if you try to convince me that a MacBook is an instrument. It’s not.

But as far as this whole business thang goes… I’m basically a weird mix of creative-big-picture-thinker and analytical strategery all rolled into one.

I can help you use your unique personality to stand out BOLDLY online and attract your ideal clients like a freakin’ magnet – just by being YOU.

Can’t get enough of  this stuff?!

Check out a few more blog posts

Overcoming SHYNESS in business with La’Donna Flemming

Overcoming SHYNESS in business with La’Donna Flemming

Overcoming SHYNESS in business with La’Donna Flemming
La’Donna is an Independent Consultant Paparazzi Accessories and she LOVES what she does. She’s coming in to talk about overcoming SHYNESS in your business so it doesn’t hold you back.
La’Donna’s website: paparazziaccessories.com/135036

Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE and leave a REVIEW

Have you subscribed yet?! I’m adding new episodes EVERY SINGLE DAY and trust me when I say you don’t wanna’ miss out! Click here to subscribe on Apple Podcasts or on Spotify!

If you loved it, please consider sharing the episode with a friend or give us a 5 star review! Reviews make it so much easier for other badasses like you to find the show. On Apple, just select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review”, and tell me whatcha loved the most. On Spotify (you gotta’ do it on your phone) it’s right under the title. Please and thank you!

Other things you might’ve searched for: online business branding, brand coach, branding coach, brand strategist, branding coach, brand archetypes, brand archetype, brand archetype quiz, online visibility, how to get visible online if you’re shy, online business for shy people, online business for introverts
Love it? Share it with your friends!

Hey, I’m Brooke!

I’m a Creator archetype, INTJ, and music snob. I will fight you if you try to convince me that a MacBook is an instrument. It’s not.

But as far as this whole business thang goes… I’m basically a weird mix of creative-big-picture-thinker and analytical strategery all rolled into one.

I can help you use your unique personality to stand out BOLDLY online and attract your ideal clients like a freakin’ magnet – just by being YOU.

Can’t get enough of  this stuff?!

Check out a few more blog posts

Why it’s okay to take a freakin’ break

Why it’s okay to take a freakin’ break

Why it’s okay to take a freakin’ break

*NOTE* This episode was recorded LIVE inside my Facebook group, Brand Boldly for Service-Based Entrepreneurs. Join the group to participate LIVE and get your questions answered in real time. 

Other things you might’ve searched for: online business branding, brand coach, branding coach, brand strategist, branding coach, brand archetypes, brand archetype, brand archetype quiz, reduce overwhelm, how to take a break from online business

Love it? Share it with your friends!

Hey, I’m Brooke!

I’m a Creator archetype, INTJ, and music snob. I will fight you if you try to convince me that a MacBook is an instrument. It’s not.

But as far as this whole business thang goes… I’m basically a weird mix of creative-big-picture-thinker and analytical strategery all rolled into one.

I can help you use your unique personality to stand out BOLDLY online and attract your ideal clients like a freakin’ magnet – just by being YOU.

Can’t get enough of  this stuff?!

Check out a few more blog posts

What’s your pre-launch sequence for 2019? with Michelle Hammons

What’s your pre-launch sequence for 2019? with Michelle Hammons

What’s your pre-launch sequence for 2019? with Michelle Hammons
Michelle is a certified Career, Launch, and High Performance Coach and helps professional women all over the world with finding their purpose.
She helps them take their vision, dreams and goals and bring clarity, focus and ACTION STEPS towards realizing your goals and dreams.

Michelle is coming in to talk about High Performance Habits and how leveraging this time of year can support a strong start to 2019. Defining what’s important, being intentional about time and going for it!

Michelle’s website: michellehammonscoach.com

Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE and leave a REVIEW

Have you subscribed yet?! I’m adding new episodes EVERY SINGLE DAY and trust me when I say you don’t wanna’ miss out! Click here to subscribe on Apple Podcasts or on Spotify!

If you loved it, please consider sharing the episode with a friend or give us a 5 star review! Reviews make it so much easier for other badasses like you to find the show. On Apple, just select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review”, and tell me whatcha loved the most. On Spotify (you gotta’ do it on your phone) it’s right under the title. Please and thank you!

Other things you might’ve searched for: online business branding, brand coach, branding coach, brand strategist, branding coach, brand archetypes, brand archetype, brand archetype quiz, business planning, goal setting, planning for entrepreneurs, yearly planning for small business
Love it? Share it with your friends!

Hey, I’m Brooke!

I’m a Creator archetype, INTJ, and music snob. I will fight you if you try to convince me that a MacBook is an instrument. It’s not.

But as far as this whole business thang goes… I’m basically a weird mix of creative-big-picture-thinker and analytical strategery all rolled into one.

I can help you use your unique personality to stand out BOLDLY online and attract your ideal clients like a freakin’ magnet – just by being YOU.

Can’t get enough of  this stuff?!

Check out a few more blog posts

How to create a kick-ass lead magnet that actually gets you clients

How to create a kick-ass lead magnet that actually gets you clients

How to create a kick-ass lead magnet that actually gets you clients
Lead magnets.
Whatever you wanna’ call it – we know we need them to get people to sign up for our emails lists (unfortunately the days of “Sign up for my newsletter are overrrr”)…

…but HOW do you create one?

And how does it get your clients that PAY?

Join me to hear my 3 tips for creating kick-ass lead magnets that lead to actual, paying clients!

*NOTE* This episode was recorded LIVE inside my Facebook group, Brand Boldly for Service-Based Entrepreneurs. Join the group to participate LIVE and get your questions answered in real time. 

Other things you might’ve searched for: online business branding, brand coach, branding coach, brand strategist, branding coach, brand archetypes, brand archetype, brand archetype quiz, how to create a lead magnet, what’s a lead magnet, what is a freebie, how to make a good freebie, what’s an opt-in, how to create a good opt-in, what should my freebie be, how to make the best freebie, how to get people to sign up for my newsletter, how to get newsletter signups, how to build my email list, how to get people on my list, how to make money online

Love it? Share it with your friends!

Hey, I’m Brooke!

I’m a Creator archetype, INTJ, and music snob. I will fight you if you try to convince me that a MacBook is an instrument. It’s not.

But as far as this whole business thang goes… I’m basically a weird mix of creative-big-picture-thinker and analytical strategery all rolled into one.

I can help you use your unique personality to stand out BOLDLY online and attract your ideal clients like a freakin’ magnet – just by being YOU.

Can’t get enough of  this stuff?!

Check out a few more blog posts

Create more time for YOU with Doña Bumgarner

Create more time for YOU with Doña Bumgarner

Create more time for YOU with Doña Bumgarner
Doña Bumgarner is a life coach, mama, and maker who works with creative entrepreneurs who want to do meaningful work and also be awesome moms.
They want to get out from under the guilt and overwhelm and find a little space for themselves again – but it feels impossible to balance all the pieces. She helps them focus their time and energy so they can confidently pursue their passions, make a difference in the world AND be present and engaged moms.

Join us LIVE to hear Doña’s three ways to look at your obligations and tasks differently, to create a little more breathing room in your every day. Because time management isn’t all about doing more, sometimes it is about figuring out where to do less, which creates more time for living.

Doña’s website: nurturedmama.net

Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE and leave a REVIEW

Have you subscribed yet?! I’m adding new episodes EVERY SINGLE DAY and trust me when I say you don’t wanna’ miss out! Click here to subscribe on Apple Podcasts or on Spotify!

If you loved it, please consider sharing the episode with a friend or give us a 5 star review! Reviews make it so much easier for other badasses like you to find the show. On Apple, just select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review”, and tell me whatcha loved the most. On Spotify (you gotta’ do it on your phone) it’s right under the title. Please and thank you!

Other things you might’ve searched for: online business branding, brand coach, branding coach, brand strategist, branding coach, brand archetypes, brand archetype, brand archetype quiz, time management, self care
Love it? Share it with your friends!

Hey, I’m Brooke!

I’m a Creator archetype, INTJ, and music snob. I will fight you if you try to convince me that a MacBook is an instrument. It’s not.

But as far as this whole business thang goes… I’m basically a weird mix of creative-big-picture-thinker and analytical strategery all rolled into one.

I can help you use your unique personality to stand out BOLDLY online and attract your ideal clients like a freakin’ magnet – just by being YOU.

Can’t get enough of  this stuff?!

Check out a few more blog posts

How to earn money based on your VALUE instead of your time

How to earn money based on your VALUE instead of your time

How to earn money based on your VALUE instead of your time
If you’re struggling to get out of the $X/hour mindset that comes from years of living the #cubiclelife, then THIS is the call for you.
We’ll be covering my 3 tips to position yourself as the expert you are so you can charge based on the VALUE you’re providing your clients instead of the number of hours you’re giving them.

*NOTE* This episode was recorded LIVE inside my Facebook group, Brand Boldly for Service-Based Entrepreneurs. Join the group to participate LIVE and get your questions answered in real time. 

Other things you might’ve searched for: online business branding, brand coach, branding coach, brand strategist, branding coach, brand archetypes, brand archetype, brand archetype quiz, how to stop charging hourly, how to raise prices, how to create packages, how to be seen as an expert, how to increase credibility, how to look credible online, how to get paid more, how to charge what I’m worth, how to charge my worth

Love it? Share it with your friends!

Hey, I’m Brooke!

I’m a Creator archetype, INTJ, and music snob. I will fight you if you try to convince me that a MacBook is an instrument. It’s not.

But as far as this whole business thang goes… I’m basically a weird mix of creative-big-picture-thinker and analytical strategery all rolled into one.

I can help you use your unique personality to stand out BOLDLY online and attract your ideal clients like a freakin’ magnet – just by being YOU.

Can’t get enough of  this stuff?!

Check out a few more blog posts